Zydus Cadila Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Zydus Cadila Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Aggramed
- Airomol
- Airomol P
- Albudac
- Albumeon
- Aloekin
- Amcin
- Amdepin
- Amdepin-AT
- Amebis Forte
- Amlodac-AT
- Amlodac-L
- Ampicillin
- Answell
- Anti-D Vaccine
- Antisept
- Anzilum
- Aridus
- Arjet
- Arowash
- Arte Plus
- Arte Plus CD
- Astizole
- Aten
- Aten-Am
- Aten-D
- Atenex
- Atenex-AM
- Atorva
- Atorva-TG
- Axone
- Aztreo
- Benspar
- Bigesens
- Bigsens-XR
- Biotin Forte
- Biwom
- Bonmax
- BTN Forte
- Buspidac
- Buta-M
- Butacort-DP
- C-Yum
- C-Yum-OS
- Cadicoff
- Cadiflur
- Cadiphylate
- Cadiquin
- Cadisper C
- Cadistin
- Cadistin Expectorant
- Caditam
- Caditrex
- Cadolac
- Cadpres
- Cadria
- Calcigen
- Calcindon
- Calcirol
- Calnif
- Calthrox
- Campicillin
- Campicillin Plus
- Campilox
- Camri
- Canticid
- Canvas
- Cardia
- Carig
- Caroza
- Cartup
- Carvil
- Cecure
- Ceficad
- Cefinar
- Cefmix
- Cefomycin
- Cefotim
- Ceticad
- Cetrizine
- Cevas
- Chlorformin
- Cimetidine
- Cintapro
- Cintapro OD
- Cipgen
- Cipgen TZ
- Ciprobid-TZ
- Ciprodac
- Cisapro
- Clarimac
- Clax
- Clodus
- Clop
- Clop-E
- Clop-G
- Clop-M
- Clop-MG