General Drugs House Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of General Drugs House Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- AA Cold
- Akicin
- Allopin
- Alutop Oral Gel
- Alutop Tablets
- Ampicillin
- Cefazol
- Cefmandol
- Ceftriphin
- Cefurim
- Cephin
- Chlorosin
- Cigamet
- Cloxgen
- Cogenate
- Cogetine
- Darbie
- Depo-Progesta
- Dergemate
- Dexalin
- Dexalin Balm
- Dexamethasone
- Dexon
- Dextromine
- Dextroral
- Dexylin
- Diazepam
- Dicloxgen
- Dopamed
- Econ
- Flavon
- G-Fen
- Genavit
- Gencolax
- Gendazel
- Genercin
- Genergin
- Generlog
- Genin
- Genocin
- Gensil
- Gentawin
- Gentussiin
- Gentussin
- Glugenmin
- Glygen
- Gomec
- Gonorcin
- Gozid
- Grifulvin
- Halopol
- Heat Cream
- Hepavit
- Isobinate
- Isopamil
- Kanamycin
- Kangen
- Katifen
- Kenoral
- Lenocin
- Linco
- Liporon
- Locko
- Logadine
- Loperdium
- Meben
- Mempil
- Metxaprim
- Metxaprim Forte
- Modil
- Moxcin
- Orphensic
- Oxycline
- Paracetamol
- Paramol
- Pen-V
- Penicillin G Sodium
- Piram
- Pongesics
- Potassride
- Prednersone
- Primoly
- Pyrapam
- Rucin
- Seferin
- Strepto
- Sulphadiazine
- Terfegen
- Tetracycline
- Thiamcin
- Tinazole
- Tobutol
- Tomcin
- Trosic
- Uroxate
- Varidoid
- Vibrumin
- Viraxy
- Vitamin B12
- Zora