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How People Should Take Strattera Properly

The drug called Strattera functions by affecting the chemicals in a patient’s brain. The same can be said for the nerves that are responsible for impulse control and hyperactivity. At present, this drug is often prescribed in order to treat one medical condition known as ADHD. There are many patients who suffer from it. It is not allowed to take this drug in case they are taking any MAO inhibitors. These ones may include such drugs as Emsam, Nardil, Zelapar, and some others. People should avoid taking them at least in the last 2 weeks before starting the treatment plan that includes Strattera. That’s because there are different drug interactions and adverse effects that can be expected. Some of them can be quite serious and dangerous ones.

Many healthcare providers inform: “Patients should avoid taking Strattera in case they have an allergy to any active ingredients included, such as atomoxetine. Besides, they should avoid using it if they suffer from glaucoma. There is some information that certain ADHD drugs may leads to the sudden death in adults and kids if they suffer from heart issues and defects. That’s why it is highly recommended to inform us about any heart problems, past medical history, and all the other medications that are taking at the same time with Strattera.”

The FDA warns: “The worst part about this medicine is that people may have suicidal thoughts and ideas when taking it. It is advisable to be aware of the main symptoms of unusual behavior, depression, and any thoughts of hurting themselves. Relatives, friends, and other close people should pay attention to the behavior and mood of such patients who take Strattera. It is necessary to avoid any unwanted consequences. These patients need to visit their doctors on a regular basis while taking this drug.”

Finally, it is necessary to be aware of how to use it properly. People should not utilize broken or open capsules. If somehow this medicine gets into their eyes, it is highly recommended to rinse them thoroughly with water. After that they need to call a doctor and ask for medical help right away. Patients should know that this drug may have an impact on their basic reactions and thinking processes. It means that they should be quite careful when there is a need to drive or do anything else that actually requires them to be alert and attentive.

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